ill met by moonlight: chapter four
Original artwork and story by Phoebe Nerem
chapter four: such shaping fantasies
Indre is a very calculated, organized person.
We’re talking color coded tabs in color coded
binders, separate pencil cases for different
types of pens, three journals (one for planning,
one for wellness, and one for the written
equivalent of shit-posting on the Internet),
and Excel spreadsheets they have saved to their
phone. Everything has its place, and those
places are carefully chosen for their unique
and specific purpose.
Indre blames their Virgo Midheaven for this.
A lot of their quirks and characteristics can be
traced back to their astrological chart, which
provides them with a semi-reliable scapegoat
for any personality faults that may arise.
Indecisive? Libra Sun. Seemingly random
emotional outbursts? Pisces Moon. Huge ego
and invincibility complex? Leo Rising.
Their Leo Rising also accounts for how naturally
they seem to fall into leadership positions. Since
freshman year Indre has been involved with the
student activities board, and due to unforeseen
circumstances when they were vice president
last year (the former president essentially ghosting
the organization, likely because of her new, drug-dealing
boyfriend that thinks all student orgs are dumb),
all members unanimously decided to promote them
without a re-election. This is where Indre thrives.
That is, until any tough decision to be made falls
upon their judgment. Last year, the former president
plucked nearly all of her eyelashes out during a
desperate journey to find musician to play at their
annual Fest. After the school pooled way too much
money into building a new football stadium, the
Activities Board’s budget suffered the consequences.
Though Fest isn’t until the end of the academic year,
it’s the first thing on Indre’s meeting agenda.
As students file into the empty classroom Indre had
reserved for the meeting, they scrutinize their dedicated
planning journal, memorizing each item on their list
as if they hadn’t pored over it the night before with
equal intensity. With a deep inhale in, deep exhale
out, they raise their gaze from neatly handwritten
agenda items to scan the room for familiar and
unfamiliar faces. There’s Todd, their vice president,
sitting front row and giving them a small smile and
wave. Indre waves back. Felicity, the diligent secretary
sits next to Todd, and to her right is Owen, a very
pessimistic treasurer. Pessimism is good in a treasurer,
if you asked Indre. Balances out their persistent
optimism (Their Chiron is in Sagittarius).
The upperclassmen that filled out the second row
seemed to mirror last year’s members, all of whom
Indre knew rather intimately for a school club.
They supposed their frequent party-throwing
unites them in that way. Indre glances at the clock.
5 minutes past 6 PM. They stand from the desk at
the front of the classroom, mentally noting each
new freshman that predictably took their seats
in the back. They nearly choke on their own breath
when they see an all too familiar face in the furthest corner.
Mari Mun, in all of her natural scowl’s glory, sits
with her legs and arms crossed, back upright and
straightened like a ballerina. It takes all of Indre's
self control not to let their mouth fall open.
Instead, they throw Mari a friendly smile, the
sincerity of which could be debated. It isn't as if
Indre has any personal grudges against her, but from
the way she treated Leo at the gala coupled with her
effortlessly cold demeanor, Indre can't imagine
they would get along very well. Regardless of Mari's
potential chaos, Indre has to give her the benefit
of the doubt; maybe Mari actually super passionate
about being involved in school activities. Maybe.
Indre shakes off the momentary surprise with an even
bigger smile, standing from their desk as the rest
of the room falls into a respectful hush. "Hi everyone!
Welcome back to returning folks and welcome in to
fresh faces." Indre is very intentional about making
eye contact with everybody in the room, a trait which
some find endearing and others find creepy. When their
eyes fall upon Mari, she gives no indication of even
recognizing Indre. A bit irksome, but they don't let
that deter them. "I won't try to waste your time, but
I think it's important that we all get to know each
other, so, like you've probably done at least five times
today, we're gonna do an icebreaker." Todd winks at them
with an all-too-flirty grin, which plucks at Indre's
concentration. In retrospect, hooking up with him at
the very end of last year probably wasn't the best idea,
given the hundreds of texts he sent them afterwards (only
a few of which were replied to). Still, it takes more
than a wink to break Indre's composure. "I'm Indre Lange,
they/them pronouns, and I'm the President of the Activities
Board. For our icebreaker, tell us your major and what you
think is objectively the best fruit." They pause to circle
around the desk, planting their hands on it behind them.
"I'm a Sociology major, and lemons are, objectively, the
best fruit. The obvious and correct answer."
This earns them a small laugh from a few students, though
Todd's is more of a snicker. Indre's smile inches on smirk
territory. "Todd, why don't you go next?"
Todd sits up in his chair, arms crossed, glancing around
the room. "Hey everyone. I'm Todd Hansen, Vice President,
he/him pronouns. Poli Sci major, and objectively the best
fruit is the one and only mango, simply because it's my
Todd popcorns the question over to Owen (he/him, Accounting
major, apples), who then popcorns it to Felicity (she/her,
Secondary Education major, strawberries). It takes about
a half hour to get through everybody in the room, the
newbies visibly nervous about popcorning the ice breaker.
Indre supposes it's only natural for Mari to go last.
"I'm Mari Mun, she/her pronouns, I'm Philosophy major, and
the best fruit is the cucumber." She says this with all
the enthusiasm of a cucumber, which comes as no surprise
to Indre, but Todd seems to pick up on her lack of first
day excitement. He turns in his chair to face her and says,
"Isn't that a vegetable?"
The snide glare Mari shoots him is downright fatal.
"Cucumbers have seeds, Todd. They're fruits."
The sudden temperature change in the room is palpable.
Indre stares blankly at Mari, then at Todd, who is a
bit taken aback but tries to shrug it off. The sentence
itself wasn't aggressive in any way, but the delivery
was snappy enough to humble him. Indre has to muffle
a snicker.
"Anyways," they pivot, their Libra sun playing the
mediator, per usual. "We have a lot to talk about today."
With a deep inhale, they gesture to the white board
behind them, plucking a dry erase marker from its tray.
They quickly scrawl "FEST" on the board, finishing it
off with an underline. "Even though Fest isn't until
next semester, we really dropped the ball last year
with booking a headliner. So I want to get the ball
rolling now, while we still have time. Does anybody
have any ideas, right off the bat?"
After a brief silence, Indre says, "No idea is dumb.
Just keep in mind our budget; we could maybe afford,
like, a C-list musician, but we gotta keep it modest."
Todd raises his hand. "We could network with local
venues and see if they have any connections to artists
that would be down to play here."
"Great idea." Indre jots "network locally" on the
white board. The rest of the room begins to chat
quietly, brainstorming in a collection of murmurs.
One of the freshmen raises his hand. "What if we
got Yung Lime to play?"
Indre's brows raise involuntarily. Yung Lime, who
went viral on TikTok just months ago, is now infamous
for having an assault and battery allegation he's due
in court for. Even without the criminal charge, his
music is a bit too... unconventional, to say the least,
for a crowd of university students.
"We can't have an alleged criminal on campus," Owen says
without looking up from his notebook. His bluntness
always caught Indre off guard, so they quickly pipe
up to maintain an air of openness, "A good suggestion
to get us thinking specifically! Anybody else?"
Thankfully, participation with this group of people proves
to be fruitful. By the time fifteen minutes had passed,
Indre almost had half of the white board filled with
scattered ideas they weren't quite sure how to string
together. Still, better than crickets.
The rest of the meeting goes by without incident, Indre
left with a few leads to follow up on for Fest, though
they didn't seem all that promising. Regardless, Indre
was satisfying with how the meeting played out. This
group of people seem slightly more involved than last
year's, which is a huge win for Indre. With a hint of
bitterness they recall all the long, stressful nights
of organizing, planning, and sending emails in desperate
fervor. The rest of the board helped out a bit, but by
the end of the year, Indre's back felt broken from
carrying the team.
As the meeting ends and students begin to file out of the
room, Todd approaches Indre. "Hey," he begins, ending up a
bit too close for Indre's comfort. "We should hang out again
sometime. I missed you this summer." It's a simple invitation
on its face, but Todd's flirtatious charm coupled with Indre's
extensive experience with men, they know it's a booty call.
"That could be fun," Indre responds almost detachedly,
maintaining a friendly tone. They aren't sure if they want
to hook up with Todd again. It wasn't as if it was a bad
experience necessarily, but it could very possibly complicate
the operations of the Activities Board, and they knew Owen
would be pissed if he found out. That, and they knew he'd
probably end up wanting something more than just a hookup.
They've developed a really good rapport these last few
years in the club, so it would be shocking if Todd only
wanted to be friends. Still, Indre's love life as of late
has been particularly boresome, so they'd have to think it
over later.
"Alright," Todd says, his face attempting but failing to not
reveal subtle disappointment, "I'll hit you up."
As he slips out of the room and Indre gathers their things,
they notice Mari lingering in the back, her piercing gaze fixed
on them. Indre, a bit caught off guard, looks at her with curiosity.
"Hey, Mari. I'm happy you came to the meeting."
Indre bites the inside of their lip after a moment, trying
to come up with something un-weird to say. Hey, I don't know
you but I went to the gala for your dead parents, what's up?
Before they could get the chance, however, Mari begins to
make her way towards the front of the room, donning her
ever-present hint of a grin. She's looking at Indre the
same way Leo had described her on the night of the gala.
Devious. Scheming. Menacing, even.
"Do you like Ford Royale?"
That was the last question Indre expected to hear. They
stare at her blankly for a moment, before responding,
"Yeah, he's great." Ford Royale, an up and coming
singer-songwriter, recently rose to fame with just one
single he released last year, which was an instant hit.
His new album went platinum just last week. "Why do you ask?"
Mari leans back against the desk across from Indre, her
expression not betraying any intention. This girl is
frustratingly hard to read.
"I could get him to perform at Fest for us."
That causes Indre's mouth to fall open. They furrow their
brows, a million thoughts running through their mind.
"We couldn't possibly afford him. And I'm sure he's
booked through the next year; isn't he going on tour?"
They pause, realizing they didn't acknowledge the obvious
implication of Mari's statement. "And how do you know him?"
This seems to be the question Mari was waiting for them to
ask. Undeterred by the immediate pushback, she smiles at Indre.
"He used to come to my ballet performances," she answers casually,
as if that was obvious. "And yeah, he'll be on tour, but I'm
sure he could fit us in next semester. I'll text him and
see what his management thinks."
For once, Indre is speechless, and that's before Mari drops
her proposition. "If he comes through, I'm happy to let you
take all the credit. But I'd like something in return."
Indre narrows their eyes. "What do you want?"
"I need you to write the essays for our Shakespeare class for me."
Indre audibly scoffs, not breaking eye contact.
"I'm not doing that. We'll figure something out."
Mari seems to be anticipating this rejection.
"Indre, be smart. Last year's Fest was a flop, which I'm s
ure wasn't your proudest moment. This is an easy fix.
Excite the students. Impress your sponsors. Restore your legacy."
Rather dramatic, but from what little Indre knows about Mari,
it tracks. Still, Indre is not impressed. "Why are you asking
me, of all people?"
Mari stands up straight, leaning in a bit. "You were the only
one in the entire class taking notes during Dr. Burkes’ lecture.
I don't think I'm going out on a limb by assuming you're good
at essay writing, Sociology major."
"And you seem too smart to plagiarize, Philosophy major."
Mari squints at them. "I'm not dumb, or lazy, if that's
what you're implying. I simply delegate school assignments
that ultimately won't impact me."
Indre almost laughs. "Rather presumptuous, don't you think?"
It seems as though Mari is growing tired of this back and
forth. She takes a step towards the door. "If you don't
want to help me, fine. Good luck finding a C-list musician
to take pity on you."
And with that she heads towards the door, leaving a stunned
Indre in her wake. "Mari, hold on." After a moment of thought,
and a recollection of the deep embarrassment of last year,
Indre came up with new terms. "I'm not going to write your
essays for you, but I will tutor you. I'll help. And I don't want
all the credit for Ford Royale. I'd have no way of explaining
how I got him booked, even if that's possible."
Mari's expression, once irritated and impenetrable, turns
soft with a satisfied smile. "I'll text Ford and let you
know what he says."
She wastes no time leaving the classroom at that, and once
she's gone Indre lets out a breath they didn't know they
were holding. Their Libra sun negotiation skills came
through, thankfully. Still, what a strange interaction.
Mari seems to be a very transaction-based person, going
off of all Indre knows about her. That being said, Mari
pulls it off expertly. Dressed in a wrinkle-free turtleneck
and short plaid skirt in the middle of a heat wave, she
doesn’t even look like somebody who you'd want to mess with.
Indre has a lot to journal about when they get home.