Issue Two: Rebirth and Renewal
"I think I am going up, I think I may rise."
- Sylvia Path
After the shower of vulnerability, alas comes a fresh start. You are rising from the ashes of the past and moving towards a new light. This is your period of Renewal and Rebirth. For Issue two, we want you to describe what this new era means for you. It might have a spiritual/religious connotation to you, or it might be about living your life differently. Maybe it's even indicative of actual birth. It could be any of those, plus everything in between. What are you experiencing when you renew your soul/existence? Have you experienced a renewal or rebirth in one way or another? What are you hoping to accomplish or see in this next chapter of your life? What changes are to come?
Need inspiration or food for thought? Check out these:
Rebirth by Alex Elle
Poetry Chaikhana - Sacred Texts from different cultures and religions about birth and re-birth
Color Scheme: For the Rebirth and Renewal issue, our color palette is inspired by the fall season. Below also includes some pictures from our Pinterest moodboard.