Q&A With Ayo “No Stress”

Graphic by Brenda Holguin

Graphic by Brenda Holguin

Ayo “No Stress” is a designer from London who’s reinventing what it means to create and design a fashion label. Ayo is the creator of NO STRESS, a fashion label with a fresh take on style and streetwear. Through his label, Ayo not only expresses his love of style, but he also shares his personal mantra and message of positivity with the world- “no stress”, a mantra that is prominent throughout the pieces of his label. Ayo radiates positivity and is the reminder we all could use right now of how much easier things are if you let go and live without stress. I got the opportunity to ask him a few questions about the label, his story, and what it means to live with no stress.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Who is the man behind NO STRESS? 

Ayo: My name is Ayo, people call me Ayo “No Stress”. I was born in Hackney, London. Growing up I was always out and about, interested in music, fashion, and the London lifestyle. The aesthetic and swag of London plus the things the city stands for have always inspired me. No Stress is a mantra that I live by and try to incorporate into my day-to-day life. Whenever I for example feel that I'm getting angry or upset I remind myself: “NO STRESS!” Everything you do, you can always do better without stress. Stress slows down your thought process and slows down your body. It's tension and negativity. So, if you take the stress away, everything moves so much easier and smoother. That's the essence of my way of life. If you have no stress everything flows and moves freely. Stress is the enemy of progress. 

What were the fashion labels or general styles that you wore or were interested in growing up? Do you think any of these styles influenced you to start NO STRESS, are they at all reflected in the label's style?

Ayo: Growing up my mum was a strong influence on me. She was always stylish and very fashionable. She sold a Nigerian fabric called lace, which you use to make traditional Nigerian garments. All those different colours, designs, and cuts of the fabrics and traditional clothing impacted me. Growing up in London, you see so many different styles around you. First Hackney, then when I moved to Essex, to spending time in Shoreditch. Every area has its own swag. I go out and see things that influence me: I like how people put looks together- how it looks unique on them, what it means to them, what it represents, and how it makes them feel. That's exactly what I think about when designing. 

Did you always think you'd be in fashion and what influenced you to begin designing streetwear specifically?  

Ayo: I didn't always think I was going to end up in fashion. My passion is all art in general. I've dabbled into all kinds of ways to express myself, from making music to graffiti and trying to draw or play instruments. When I started doing clothes, it felt like it was the best suited for me to express myself. That's why I started doing streetwear in particular- because I am from the streets. I can't cater to anything or anyone else. When I'm creating, I know the person who'd wear it and it reflects myself. 

NO STRESS is a label that has everything from boxer shorts to a tactical vest and has shown it has no boundaries in terms of design. What is your typical process like in designing and how do you continue to push the boundaries of what a fashion label can be? 

No Stress Logo Cross Body Bag

No Stress Logo Cross Body Bag

Ayo: I design things for myself first. Things that I would want or need. It needs to give me the feeling of "oh that's going to be crazy, you need that." I dive deep into that and imagine that this piece is going to be perfect for this person or this occasion. In the end, the designs always end up being unique and standing out. My goal isn't actually to push any boundaries but to make sure that I express myself and my mantra, "No Stress". For example, when I created a man bag, I noticed that I didn't have a place to put my glasses where they wouldn't get crushed. So, I put an extra hook on the side of the bag where the glasses can hang. People wearing it realize what that hook is for, and they think, "rah, this is cold". Maybe they had the bag for three months already and just did not realize that there's another way to use the bag. That's how I like to push the boundaries, by being innovative and giving the people what they need, because I know what I need.   

Your label was founded in 2016 and is currently worn by the likes of Skepta, Burna Boy, Wizkid, and Suspect OTB, but you were once a starter brand yourself. What advice would you give to anyone starting their own fashion label right now? Is there anything you know now that you wish you would've known when you began your brand? 

Ayo:  Just do you. Do your thing, style it how you like it, and wear it how you want it to be worn. You need to channel yourself and people will buy into your style, you, and your vision. Wear your things with confidence. I wish I would have known earlier to not let anyone sway your plan or try to jump on the bandwagon. Have your plan set and execute it. Don't let anyone have a say in it- you started it so you have to finish it, I've learned to understand that. 

You've cited hip-hop influences as inspiration for some of your pieces and your label is worn amongst various celebrities. What are some artists, decades, scenes, or general people in your life who have influenced you in your creative style, if so why? 

Ayo: My friends, my family, and my surroundings influence me. I've traveled to so many places and been all around the UK, Europe and have seen all these different cultures. I'm a very observant person and I soak in everything around me. I've also been around many different scenes from skateboarders, bikers, chess players, etc. just normal day-to-day life and that wide range of people and experiences you encounter are so much more powerful than just one individual. 

What are some of your interests outside of fashion? Are there any paths outside of fashion you think you'll pursue in the future?

Ayo: I'm in love with the culture and everything involved in it. I like seeing British actors doing big things in America and rappers who are making power moves and having success. I love when people breakthrough into other countries and love art, like for example UK illustrators. London, European and Nigerian culture are the things that I am most interested in, [and] the things that drive the youth right now. I doubt I'll ever step away from fashion but if I would, I'd dabble into music. Not being an artist myself but be involved in the process, I definitely want to do something to do with film and am passionate about that. 

Much like the label's name suggests, you and your designs reflect a very "no stress" lifestyle, which in our fast-paced society can be hard to do. Have you always approached life with a no-stress attitude? Do you have any advice to anyone who themselves is struggling to also live with "no stress"? 

Ayo: Be in touch with yourself, we're in full control of everything we do. Too many times others or situations stress us out because we allow it to stress us. Sit back, take a second and analyze the situation, then you'll find a solution. If you take that time out, you won't have stress because you don't allow it to bother you, and you'll come to the solution before you even let it bother you. Stress is the enemy of progress. Remember things like that and you'll know that you need to slow down, analyze and stay on top of things. Then there is no room for stress. 

If after learning about NO STRESS, is there anything you'd hope others would take from learning about your story and your label? 

Ayo: I want you to look into different cultures. I love African culture, that's where I'm from and I constantly keep learning about myself and my culture. I continue to also learn about other people and their culture. Everyone should be interested in learning and getting to know other people and their culture. From food to music, just keep exploring, have no stress, and just enjoy the experience. That's what I'd want you to take away from this. Right now, we are going through a pandemic, so go as far as you can. Even if it's just exploring a new area of your town. Just go as far as you can and explore with no stress while you do it. Enjoy life!

What's next for NO STRESS? Any additional information or thoughts you'd like to share?

Ayo: Right now, we're going harder than ever before and we just keep pushing, spreading this message, the love, and creating awareness. I want people to keep hearing about us. I want to stay persistent and take it worldwide. I plan to start having cultural events, going to different places, and trying new things. You might see us in your country soon, you never know.

You can view and shop NO STRESS on the online shop, as well as follow NO STRESS on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Madelyne R. Sosa

Madelyne Sosa is a freelance writer and poet based in Wisconsin. Her passions include sharing the stories of her Latin culture, growing up, and using writing to connect with others. You can find her writing at the likes of Sumou Mag and her personal blog, Small Town Poet. When she isn’t writing you can find her making coffee, obsessing over music, thrifting, or tending to her 2 dogs and cat.


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