(Trying) To Be Good
Illustration by Regina Alieenteena
Sometimes I look at people and wonder how they are able to live just for the sake of living
I wonder how easily they can refuse to lend a helping hand when they don’t feel like it
how easily they can prioritize themselves
how easily they can go on with their lives without feeling guilty about existing
Please don’t misunderstand me as I am not saying these things out of spite
but rather out of admiration
as well as jealousy
for I am constantly haunted by guilt, suffocated by fear
On days when I feel like doing nothing
I fear being called a shut-in if I just stay in my room
So I change my clothes and grab my bag
Turn the doorknob and go outside
On days when I’m really tired but
I hear someone that needs help
I find myself offering it
sometimes unconsciously
Because that’s what
I’m supposed to do
meet others’ expectations
be useful to others
If not, why should I even be here?—A waste of space
Still, sometimes my
heart whispers let’s play
dumb, turn a deaf ear to
their call of help
This is what happens when
a no-good tries to be good
when a villain tries to play the hero
even though she is not meant to be one
If my parents knew about these thoughts of mine,
would they cry?
Sometimes I feel undeserving of their love, of their time
of their worries, prayers, money
When I confided in a friend about these thoughts of mine, I wondered if
she properly understood the strength of the grip that fear and guilt has on me
The strength of their claws that sinks deep into me, leaving only a little space for
the air to enter my lungs—a simple but powerful reminder that I still exist every day